Sunday, January 15, 2012

Out With the Half-Life

It's been ages since I've posted a blog, but I figured that an update is in order, at least for the sake of my mother.  One thing I've been learning is that relationships are TOUGH, and God-honoring relationships are even TOUGHER. God has been teaching me two main things.
- My relationship with God has to come first.
I've been learning that the time has come to quit living the average Christian life and start to life radically for Jesus, seeking God daily and with everything I have. Needless to say it's a very slow process. Bible reading has already become legalistic for me, after just two weeks of trying to get into the Word, leaving me with yet another struggle to work through. I definitely need prayer in this definitive time for God to work in me and grow me.
-Jessica and I need to work through some things.
As a result of my changing relationship with God, and with Jessica experiencing the same, we've really had to step back and examine how we treat our relationship in terms of holiness. I'll be intentionally vague, but we've finally sat down and started to work through some things that have been under the rug for far too long. We need prayer from everyone and are seeking counsel with those who are wiser than us, hopefully standing right in the middle of God's will.

So those are the things that need to be endured here at the start of 2012! :S