Monday, May 28, 2012

Wedding Checklists

So Jessica and I have been engaged for... Sixteen days now, and the days are getting fewer between now and our soon-to-be-announced official wedding date! At first, we started going off half-cocked, doing whatever we felt like when it came to preparations and planning. But alas, one-to-many embarrassing moments and I caved: We got a wedding book. So far, The Bridal Bible has been most helpful, and we have adopted the wedding checklist it suggested. Initial details have been hammered out: We have the style, the date, the venue, and tentatively, the officiant.

God has been really faithful throughout the initial stages of the process, and He has been teaching me a few components of being a Godly man and husband. I have a long way to go before I will know anything about either of the two, but I hope that through seeking the Lord and with some pre-marital counseling, He will teach me what I need to lead Jessica and our family in the years to come. But no matter what, I've been reminded of two things:

1) No matter how many times I fail, He is still faithful, and the Cross is still enough.
2) All glory is His!

So I guess the Blogging Ball is rolling.

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